The Fall

I think I know why God allows evil in this world, and why God did…

The Gospel is a Place


is out now

Mind the Gap

Differences give a sense of belonging. Whether through birth, belief or upbringing, we need to be in communion with those who are like us. But nobody wants to live in a monochromatic society. Real learning, real growth, only happens when we are intimately connected to people that are different.

Anyone can love those who love them back. It takes no skill to embrace those who look like, think like, talk like and act like us.

To create deep, respectful relationship with “the other” will take a bit of humility. It will mean clawing our way out of the suffocating insulation that surrounds us. It might even mean overturning a few tables in the process.



The Gospel is a Place



Educators attempting to break free of the cocoon that keeps us from knowing, loving, and listening to our global neighbors, and introducing topics designed to help us think outside the bubble of the United States.

When we listen to the voices of those for whom the systems of this world do not work, voices at the margins of our society, we discover that these voices are not from the margins, but voices from the center of a new way of looking at and experiencing the world.

The Latest from Scott Bessenecker

Overturning Tables: Freeing Missions from the Christian-Industrial Complex

12th Annual Outreach Resource of the Year Recommendation (Cross-Cultural)
2014 Best World Missions Book, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

We are more than the businesses we have become.

Much of Christian ministry has been shaped to operate not according to the witness of the Scriptures, but according to the values of the free market. We adopt metrics of success that have nothing to do with the state of people’s souls or the seeding of the earth with the kingdom of God. We have borrowed our paradigms uncritically from the for-profit corporate sector. The mission of the Church is being held back by the business container into which we have placed the gospel.

Every year Scott Bessenecker travels the world with thousands of college students, ministering to those in need and learning from the global church about what God is doing in the world. In Overturning Tables he shows, through stories and analysis, that the mission of God reaches well beyond the grasp of the free market, and if we are willing to reach as well, we will see God do amazing things, even as the world sees the gospel in its fullest sense.