Another World is Possible

The number of poor has narrowed while the gap between them and the rich has widened.
We’ve purchased more guns for protection yet witnessed more homicides.
Freedom is our highest value yet we incarcerate more people than anyone else.
We have better information yet promote more outlandish conspiracies.
We have more friends and followers yet are lonelier than ever.
Hate speech is decried while hate crimes run rampant.
There are more words but less listening.
More politics but less civility.
More diversity but less tolerance.
Fewer wars but more violence.
Another world is possible.
We possess enough love, enough grace, enough forgiveness and enough kindness to overcome our penchant for hatred, intolerance, and greed. There are enough resources for everyone to live well if a few lived a little less opulently. There are more Divine-Image-Bearing, creative, skilled workers alive on earth today than there ever have in the history of the planet.
Christians like me becoming real apprentices of Jesus would be a great place to begin.