The Foreign American
The Foreign American is a space that gives us an opportunity to break free of the cocoon that keeps us from knowing, loving, and listening to our global neighbors, introducing topics designed to help us think outside the bubble of the United States.

Voices from the Center
Voices from the Center allows amplifies the marginalized voices of those for whom the systems of this world do not work. By listening, we discover that these voices are actually not from the margins, but from the center of a new way of looking at and experiencing the world.

Episode 1: Emiliano - Migrants
Mar 30, 2015 • 18:01
My Great Grandfather was an undocumented immigrant, like everyone who entered the US at that time. Most Europeans in this country are only here because they had a relative who entered the US through open borders – men and women who were looking for a better life. There were…
Episode 2: Ivan - Gangs
Apr 6, 2015 • 48:16
The shame of poverty, gang violence, Jim Crow in our corrections system, retributive violence, and redemption. Ivan talks about how his years in the Bulldog gang and in the penitentiary has shaped his view of reality.
Episode 3: Courtland - Native Americans
Apr 21, 2015 • 41:07
"It's kinda like you're there, but also you're not there."
Episode 4: Sheryl - Schizophrenia
May 1, 2015 • 35:20
My fantasy was that I was the bride of Jesus Christ ... I was convinced that if I did not evangelize the world in the next two hours we're all going to go to hell.
Episode 5: Michael - Muscular Dystrophy
May 13, 2015 • 51:20
How do you get to know someone with a very physical disability without allowing that disability to overly define that person or your relationship? "If you have a desire to get to know someone outside of their "earth suit," that is a really good starting point.
Episode 6: Jessa - Sweatship Labor
Jun 19, 2015 • 40:13
Episode 7: Aaron and Coop - The Prison Industrial Complex
Aug 5, 2015 • 42:13
Aaron and Coop talk about their lives in prison and the challenges returning to society after their internment
Episode 8: Duke, Ms. Lopez and James - Homelessness
Sep 8, 2015 • 37:21
All we ask is not to pity us - Ms. Lopez
Episode 9: Sister Mary David - Benedictine Nuns
Oct 13, 2015 • 38:36
You say "yes" to your commitment 1,000 times in a lot of different ways
Episode 10: Katrin Keller - Little People
Jan 3, 2016 • 27:46
It's very important to me that ones disability does not dictate ones life.

Uncle Scott Reads
Having trouble setting aside the anxieties of the day or silencing the conversations in your head before bedtime? Uncle Scott Reads will help you relax while listening to a classic short story. Doctors agree; listening to this podcast is the equivalent of 6mg of Melatonin.