I Think I’m A Pharisee (but that’s OK, Jesus was too)

I suspect Jesus was a Pharisee. Not in the figurative way we use the word, as in telling someone who says one thing and does the opposite “you’re such a Pharisee.” But I think Jesus literally belonged to the first century Jewish sect of the Pharisees. Think about it. The synagogue was a structure that…

Politics and Religion at the Dinner Table Part I

Was Jesus Apolitical? Adapted from Overturning Tables by Scott A. Bessenecker. Copyright (c) 2014 by Scott A. Bessenecker. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL. www.ivpress.com Is it really the place of a religious authority to address political or economic systems? Surely, the Church would not take seriously any economist or politician claiming…